clinical significance of proteinuria in pregnancy
Albuminuria is many times the product of an incomplete or pernicious digestion. The incomplete transformation of the albumin leads to the production of a relative albuminuria, and from this, by very evident steps, to a true albuminuria. So, too, the various toxic substances, from a perverted digestion, are brought to the kidneys, in their excretion producing a like train of events.
The aetiology of the renal albuminuria of pregnancy, and the relationship which exists between this affection and eclampsia gravidarum et puerperium, is a subject which has called forth a vast amount of speculation and research in the past, and at the present time is far from being a settled question.
It seems impossible to make investigations upon the living woman or upon animals, which will throw sufficient light upon this subject to enable us to explain, in all cases, the relationship which nephritis bears to pregnancy; or why it is that convulsions occur when the nephritis once becomes fully established; or why they ensue in one case and not in another; or, again, why it is in certain cases that the convulsions occasionally occur without pre-existing albuminuria, the latter, in such cases, appearing to stand in the relation of an effect rather than a cause.
In answer to these questions, theories have been advanced which have been based on a single ascertained fact with regard to the maternal organism, and this theory is made to serve as a sufficient cause for all cases; whereas, the cause of the nephritis and the convulsions is probably complex, and may vary decidedly in different cases, certain deviations from the physiological standard being present in one case, and certain others in another.
First let us inquire as to the frequency of albuminuria in pregnant women.
Homoeopathic treatment albuminuria proteinuria in pregnancy : apis,ars,merc cor,colchicum,Kali carb.
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