types of cancer
Cancer is a general term which covers numerous dangerous in different parts of the body-the reason for which is not known. This development reason less and parasitic i.e.dangerous parasites get their nourishment and asylum from the same tissue in which they create. As it were the point at which an ordinary cell of any tissue in the body creates harmful nature and development then it loses its unique capacity and structure. This completely created Cancer cell keeps on increasing gradually or quickly by wrecking the first Cells of that tissue with their capacity lastly changing over the entire tissue into carcinogenic tissue.
Later on, the disease poison gets into blood, goes on to different organs of the body-that too quit working, savage under the contamination of tumor toxic substance with the outcome, life closes with anguish and agony.
1. Carcinoma. Refers to malignant tumour of skin, of mucous membrane,epithelia] and glandular tissues.
2. Epithelioma- a malignant growth or tumour arising in epithelial tissueusually the skin.
3. Sarcoma refers to malignant tumour of connective tissue- for example (i) Pigmented areas around nipple of the breasts, (2) fibrous tumour of uterusis called fibriod or fibroid tumour and (3) of fatty tissue, lymphoid tissue, bone and cartilages- etc. belong to the group of connective tissue.
4. Scirrhus Scirrhus is a growth in the connective tissue- which is indurated-hard and resembles like a tumour. Scirrhus is a type of Carcinoma of the breast. It is also spelt as scirrhous.
5. Blood Cancer. arises after the presence and increase in the number of cancer cells in the blood- by destroying the Original valuable R.B. C. in the blood.
6. Colloid Cancer. It develops most probably in the same way as it is seen in the development ofcolloid goiter. Colloid goiter is the abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland due to accumulation of viscid fluid in it. Similarly Colloid cancer, which is generally seen in the pit of stomach, is due to the accumulation of viscid fluid in one of the secretory glands in stomach.
7. Occult Cancer. refers to a malignant tumour in any part of the body, which is not visible to the naked eye. It remains hidden till its complete development, or upto the time- when internal part of the body is operated by some surgeon for other ailments.
8. Osteoma or Osteosarcoma Osteoma is a tumour growing from a boneand is called as a bony tumour- which may be hard and compact or cancellous. It may be single or multiple.
The development of growth may happen in different parts or organs of the body. It is named after the name of organ in which it produces For instance In cerebrum it is called as mind disease, it might likewise create in bosoms, lungs, stomach, mouth, throat, tongue, digestion systems, fiver cervix or in the tissue under the skin.
1. Anxiety and worry- cause weak body with weak vital force.
2. Living a luxurious fife with excessive use of alcoholic drinks, tobacco, tea and coffee.
3. the use of highest quality of heroin, sumach or brown sugar by the addicted persons.
4. Meat eating during the developmental stage of cancer- eating of meat accelerates the rapid growth of cancer in the body.
Symptoms of a Cancer
1. Vital force is weakened and reduced in the body.
2. Recurring growth after its removal.
3. Cancer causes local destruction of the tissues of the body- as cancer cells are transmitted from one part to other part of the body- usually by blood or lymph (this process is called metastasis- i.e. transference of disease from one part to other part of the body). Then thereafter cause toxaemia (a blood poisoning caused by the products of bacteria or by damaged tissue).
4. Pulse weak normal or fufi.
5. Progressive loss in weight, weakness of muscles of the body with defective digestion. Poor assimilation, poor nutrition (poor reception ie. poor receiving and poor utilization of food material by the living organs of the body for the growth and repair of worn-out tissues) with white coated tongue.
6. Constipation or irregular bowels- diarrhoea alternation constipation.
7. Yellow spots before eyes- when the eyes are pure white.
8. There are watery discharges from breasts, uterus, rectum, mouth, some times there is bloody discharge- profuse and continuous- due to the cancer of uterus, rectum, intestines, mouth, or breasts.
A. Cures for Cancer of Breast (scirrhus is a hard carcinoma-i.e.another name for cancer of breast) Ars, Bell, diluted calendula-Q for external use, Carbo-an, Carbom, Carcinos, Con, Hydrast, Phyto, Scirrhinum, Sil.
B. -For Cancer of mouth Alumen, Ars, Aurum, Carbo-an, Condur, Con, Hydrast, Lach, Phyto, Sep, Sit.
C. Cancer of Stomach Acetic, Ars, Ars. iod, Bell, Bism, Carbo-an, Carbov, Con, Candur, Hydrast, Kireos, Lach, Lyc, Ornithog, Sep, Sil.
D. Cancer of bowels or rectum Alumen, Apis, Ars, Bell, Carbo-an, Condur, Graph, Hydrast, Krcos, Lach, Phos-ac, Sep, Sil, Thuja.
E. Cancer of uterus-cervix Apis, Ars, Ars, iod, Bell, Calc-c, China, Con, Graph, Hydrast, Kreos, Iod, Lach, Lyc, Nat. m, Nit. ac, Phyto, Sep, Sil.
F. Cancer of bones or Cancerous caries of bones Aurum. iod, CalcAl, Con, Heckla, Ruta, Sil, Symphy.
External treatment to relieve the pain of cancer
1. Phytolacca-Q in pura vaseline for external use on cancer of breast, be mixed in 1:3 ratio.
2. Thuja-Q in pure vaseline- for external use on cancer in 'he rectum or in the vaginal passage.
3. Hydras-Q for external use in cancer of rectum.
4. Calendula-Q diluted with water for external use on cancer of breast.
Therapeutics : 1. Minimum dose and lower potency ie., 3X, 6X, etc. should be used in all Cases of cancer, because cancer has stitching burning pains in the affected tissue and if indicated medicine is used in high potency then medicinal aggravation would cause more burning and stitching pains in the part affected with cancer.
2. Minimum dose frequently be used after short intervals.
3. Carcinosin, 200 one dose be given during relief in the pain of cancer.
4. Animal food, ie. meat egg and fish should be avoided in cases of cancer. Homoeopathic Journal.
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