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nux vomica homeopathic remedy benefits

* Is the best of polychrests, in light of the fact that the greater part of its manifestations compare in similitude with those of the commonest and most continuous of illnesses. * It is habitually the primary cure, showed after much dosing, building up a kind of harmony of strengths and neutralizing ceaseless impacts. Nux is pre-famously the solution for a hefty portion of the conditions occurrence to current life. The ordinary Nux understanding is fairly thin, extra, speedy, dynamic, anxious, and touchy. He does a decent arrangement of mental work; has mental strains and has a stationary existence, found in delayed office work, overstudy, and close application to business, with its considerations and tensions. This indoor life and mental strain looks for stimulants, espresso, wine, conceivably in abundance; or, once more, he wants to calm his fervor, by enjoying the soothing impacts of tobacco, if not by any stretch of the imagination a casualty, to the alluring medications, similar to opium, and so forth. These things are related with different liberalities; at table, he takes ideally rich and invigorating sustenance; wine and ladies have their influence to make him overlook the nearby use of the day. Late hours are an outcome; a thick head, dyspepsia, and touchy temper are the following day's legacy. Presently he takes some cathartic, liver pills, or mineral water, and soon gets into the propensity for taking these things, which still further confound matters.

Since these frailties are more respected by men than ladies.

Nux is pre-famously a male cure.

These conditions, deliver a peevish, sensory system, excessively touchy and over-naive, which Nux will do much to relieve and quiet.

Particularly adjusted to stomach related unsettling influences, entryway clog, and hypochondrical states depending subsequently.

Writhings, with awareness; more regrettable, touch, moving.

Nux patients are effectively chilled, evade outdoors, and so on.

Nux dependably is by all accounts off key; dissonant fitful activity.


- Very bad tempered: touchy to all impressions.

- Ugly, malevolent.

- Cannot endure clamors, smells, light, and so on.

- Does not have any desire to be touched.

- Time passes too gradually.

- Even the slightest infirmity influences her incredibly.

- Disposed to censure others.

- Sullen, blame finding.


- Headache in occiput or over eyes, with vertigo; mind feels handing over a circle.

- Oversensitiveness.

- Vertigo, with flitting loss of awareness.

- Intoxicated feeling; more regrettable, morning, mental effort, tobacco, liquor, espresso, outdoors.

- Pressing agony on vertex, as though a nail driven in.

- Vertigo in morning and after supper.

- Scalp touchy.

- Frontal cerebral pain, with want to press the head against something.

- Congestive cerebral pain, related with hemorrhoids.

- Headache in the daylight. [Glon.; Nat. carb.] Feels extended and sore inside, after a defile.


- Photophobia; much more awful in morning.

- Smarting dry sensation in inward canthi.

- Infra-orbital neuralgia, with watering of eyes.

- Optic nerve decay, from ongoing utilization of intoxicants.

- Paresis of visual muscles; more awful, tobacco and stimulants.

- Orbital jerking emanating towards the occiput, Optic neuritis.


- Itching in ear through Eustachian tube.

- Auditory trench dry and delicate.

- Otalgia; more awful in bed.

- Hyperaesthesia of sound-related nerves; boisterous sounds are difficult, and outrage him.


- Stuffed up, during the evening particularly.

- Stuffy colds, snuffles, after introduction to dry, icy air; more awful, in warm room.

- Odors tend to create blacking out.

- Coryza : conversant in daytime; stuffed up around evening time and outside; or interchanges between nostrils.

- Bleeding in morning. [Bry.]

- Acrid release, however with stuffed up feeling.


- Jaws, contracted.

- Small aphthous ulcers, with grisly spit.

- First 50% of tongue clean; back secured with profound hide; white, yellow, split edges.

- Teeth throb; more terrible, icy things.

- Gums swollen, white, and dying.


- Rough, scratched feeling. Tickling subsequent to waking in morning.

- Sensation of harshness, snugness, and strain.

- Pharynx choked.

- Uvula swollen.

- Stitches into ear.


- Sour taste, and sickness in the morning, in the wake of eating. Weight and torment in stomach; more regrettable, eating, some time after.

- Flatulence and pyrosis.

- Sour, intense eructations.

- Nausea and spewing, with much heaving.

- Ravenous yearning, particularly about a day prior to an assault of dyspepsia.

- Region of stomach extremely touchy to weight. [Bry.; Ars.] Epigastrium bloated, with weight s of a stone, a few hours in the wake of eating.

- Desire for stimulants.

- Loves fats and endures them well. (Puls. inverse.)

- Dyspepsia from drinking solid espresso.

- Difficult burping of gas.

- Wants to upchuck, however can't.


- Bruised soreness of stomach dividers. [Apis.; Sulph.] Flatulent distension, with uncontrollable colic.

- Colic from revealing.

- Liver engorged, with join and soreness.

- Colic, with upward weight, causing short breath, and want for stool.

- Weakness of stomach ring district.

- Strangulated hernia. [Op.]

- Forcing in bring down stomach area towards privates.

- Umbilical hernia of babies.


- Constipation, with visit incapable asking, inadequate and unacceptable; feeling as though part remained unexpelled.

- Constriction of rectum.

- Irregular, peristaltic activity; henceforth visit inadequate want, or passing yet little amounts at each endeavor. Nonattendance of all want for crap is a contra-sign.

- Alternate clogging and loose bowels after mishandle of laxatives.

- Urging to stool felt all through stomach area.

- Itching, daze hemorrhoids, with incapable encouraging to stool; exceptionally difficult; fater extreme medications.

- Diarrhea after a debase; more awful, morning.

- Frequent little clearings.

- Scanty stool, with much asking.

- Dysentery; stools assuage torments for a period. Consistent uneasiness in rectum.

- Diarrhea, with jaundice. [Dig.]


- Irritable bladder; from fitful sphincter.

- Frequent calls; close to nothing and regularly.

- Haematuria. [Ipec.; Tereb.]

- Ineffectual asking, fitful and strangury.

- Renal colic stretching out to privates, with spilling pee.

- While urinating, tingling in urethra and agony in neck of bladder.


- Easily energized want.

- Emissions from high living.

- Bad impacts of sexual overabundances.

- Constrictive agony in gonads.

- Orchitis. [Hama.; Puls.]

- Spermatorrhoea, with dreams, spinal pain, consuming in spine, shortcoming and peevishness.


- Menses too soon, keeps going too long; constantly sporadic, blood dark [Cycl.; Lach.; Puls.] with black out spells.

- Prolapsus uteri. Dysmenorrhoea, with torment in sacrum, and steady asking to stool.

- Inefficient work torments; reach out to rectum, with want for stool and incessant pee. [Lil.]

- Desire excessively solid.

- Metrorrhagia, with sensation as though insides needed to move.


- Catarrhal raspiness, with scratching in throat.

- Spasmodic tightening.

- Asthma, with totality in stomach, morning or in the wake of eating.

- Cough, with sensation as though something were torn free in chest.

- Shallow breath. Abused relaxing.

- Tight, dry hacking hack; on occasion with ridiculous expectoration.

- Cough expedites blasting cerebral pain and wounded agony in epigastric district.


- Backache in lumbar district.

- Burning in spine; more regrettable, 3 to 4 a.m.

- Cervico-brachial neuralgia; more regrettable, touch.

- Must situp to hand over bed.

- Bruised torment beneath scapulae.

- Sitting is agonizing.

Furthest points

- Arms and hands rest.

- Paresis of arms, with stuns.

- Legs numb; feel deadened; issues in calves and soles.

- Partial loss of motion, from overexertion or getting drenched. [Rhus.]

- Cracking in knee-joints amid movement.

- Drags his feet when strolling.

- Sensation of sudden loss of energy of arms and legs in the morning.


- Cannot rest after 3 a.m. until towards morning; stirs feeling wretchedly.

- Drowsy after suppers, and in early night.

- Dreams brimming with clamor and rush.

- Better after a short rest, unless excited.


- Body consuming hot, particularly confront; yet can't move or reveal without feeling crisp.

- Urticaria, with gastric disturbance.

- Acne; skin red and smudged.


- Cold stage prevails.

- Paroxysms envision in morning.

- Excessive thoroughness, with blueness of finger-nails.

- Aching in appendages and back, and gastric manifestations.

- Chilly; must be shrouded in each phase of fever.

- Perspiration harsh; just a single side of body.

- Chilliness on being revealed, yet he doesn't permit being secured.

- Dry warmth of the body.


- Worse, morning, mental effort, in the wake of eating, touch, flavors, stimulants, opiates, dry climate, chilly.

- Better, from a snooze, if permitted to complete it; in night, while very still, in sodden, wet climate [Caust.], solid weight.


- Nux seeds contain copper, see the spasm causing proclivites of both.

- Complementary; Sulfur; Sepia.

- Inimical : Zinc.

- Compare : Strychnia.

- Compare : Kali carb.; Hydr.; Bry.; Lyc.; Graph.

- Antidotes : Coff.; Ignat.; Cocc.


- First to thirtieth power and higher.

- Nut is said to act best given at night.

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